School of Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning School is a structural unit of Azerbaijan Technical University. 

The school was established on the basis of the University-Industry Cooperation and Lifelong Learning Center by Decision No. 4 of the Scientific Council of AzTU on December 27, 2023.

The need of creating a school has come from the formation of special programs to meet the demand of the rapidly changing labor market due to the influence of digital technologies, the formation of teacher development programs and student skills, and the expansion of continuous education and skills development opportunities for professionals and learners in technical fields.

Thus, as a voluntary higher education institution with a technical profile, AzTU constantly focuses on the provision of continuous education and skill development opportunities for professionals and individuals in technical fields, as well as teacher development programs and student skills formation to meet the demand of the rapidly changing labor market due to the introduction of digital technologies.

Therefore, the School of Lifelong Learning is an academic program (structure) specially created to meet the continuing education needs of individuals for the demanding disciplines of modern engineering and business based on the advancement of technology. 

The goal of the School of Lifelong Learning is to provide opportunities for professionals and individuals in engineering and technical fields to continually update their knowledge, acquire new skills, and stay relevant in rapidly evolving industries.

In other words, the main activity of the School of Lifelong Learning is to transfer the University scientific potential to industry, to contribute to its transformation into economic value, to direct market subjects to research and development, innovative activities, and to ensure continuous cooperation between the university professor-teacher, administrative and student staff, to carry out the following activities within the framework of cooperation and lifelong education directions.