Department of Education

Azerbaijan Technical University (AZTU) conducts admissions for undergraduate and graduate levels through the State Examination Center (DiM). The accepted rules are reviewed annually by the regular council and are published in the relevant issues of "Abituriyent" magazine.

The Azerbaijan Technical University's Teaching Department follows the principles of transparency, openness, and democracy as set out in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education." The State Strategy for the Development of Education in the Republic of Azerbaijan approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated October 24, 2013, the Republic of Azerbaijan Cabinet of Ministers No. 348 dated 24.12.2013 is about

Regulations on the organization of teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels of education with a credit system" of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 257 dated July 14, 2017 and other regulatory and legal regulations builds according to the documents.