Engineering of logistics and transport technologies

Students studying in the field of logistics and transport technologies, in their professional activities, are able to solve reform, technical, technological, theoretical and practical issues in various fields of transport, conduct experimental analysis, create mutual relationships between modes of transport, obtain information from various sources and use it in logistics processes, in transport, as well as they study the safety of vehicles, the rules of technical operation, the organization of operations and traffic, knowledge of environmental safety and the organization of production activities. They can work in logistics companies operating in our country and around the world, logistics divisions of large holdings, companies engaged in international trade and other institutions. Their activities cover all types of transport available in our country, including road, railway, water and air transport.

Transport services (by mode of transport)

Students studying in this specialty acquire knowledge and skills related to types of transportation, the transport process, transportation documents, and the use of modern technologies in organizing transportation. As a result of the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, students develop highly qualified specialists in the field of conditions for ensuring optimal service infrastructure, the use of information systems and technologies in the service sector, transport support for tourism, and legal relations in transport, principles of choosing vehicles suitable for the transportation process, optimization of transport services in market conditions.

Transport engineering

This specialty trains professional personnel to conduct scientific research in the areas of production-vocation, organizational-management, organizational-administration, as well as in the field of transport. Students who complete this specialty can work in automobile and railway transport enterprises, car service centers, leasing, dealer and other organizations, state enterprises for the organization and safety of road traffic, higher and secondary vocational educational institutions in the field of transport, design and research institutes.