Special technique and technology Department of Radioelectronic and Aerospace Systems


Professor-teaching staff:

  1. Professor İbrahimov Bayram Ganimat - head of chair
  2. Professor Rustamov Asad Rustam
  3. Professor Agayev Faxraddin Gulali
  4. Associate professor İsmayılov Zafar Alasgar
  5. Associate professor Binnatov Mehman Ferhad 
  6. Associate professor Aliyeva Gunel Vagif
  7. Senior Lecturer Yusubov Cherkez Asger
  8. Senior Lecturer  Beydullayev Hebibulla Ziyeddin
  9. Senior Lecturer  Mehdiyev Aligismet Abiş
  10. Senior Lecturer  Rustamov Said Jabrayil
  11. Asst. Aliyev Malik Etibar 

Teaching assistants:

  1. Hamidova Aygun Akif - Chief laboratory assistant
  2. Afandiyeva Sadiqa Pasha - Chief laboratory assistant
  3. İmanov Rauf Yusif - leading engineer 
  4. Zeynalova Xatın Babamir - laboratory assistant